Education and parenting2023-01-24T11:57:55+01:00


Education and parenting

The development of our personal preferences in thinking begins in childhood. Children’s preferences are manifested through the ways children like to learn. In today’s competitive world, education has become more important than ever, and NBI™ can – by engaging the whole brain – enable children to gain mental benefits needed to grow into well-adjusted adults.

In addition to better understanding your child and the way he/she thinks and sees the world, you will be able to build a better relationship with him/her, while respecting your and your child’s characteristics.

Why NBI™?

Through understanding your own preferences in thinking you become a parent-pedagogue who uses the whole brain while thinking, and you apply this knowledge to the environment where your child is growing up and thus make him/her a happy, functional and creative being. » show more

What is NBI™ and how does it work?

NBI™ is:

  • A revolutionary battery of instruments.
  • 15 -25 minute online questionnaire.
  • Precise and detailed.
  • Scientifically based.
  • Available in all regional and other major languages.

NBI™ is a set of psychometric instruments with which we measure someone’s preferences in thinking. NBI instruments allow you to take a simple 15 -25 minute online questionnaire and find out HOW YOUR BRAIN WORKS. » show more

What are thinking preferences?

It is evident that the ways in which we notice details, interpret events, announce decisions, write emails, organize and plan our time differ from one person to the next. All this is connected with our thinking preferences. » show more

Experiences of NBI™ users

Easy Testimonials
May 28, 2020

“Vi čitate ljude!”
“Ne bih mogla da zamislim da se bavite nečim drugim!”
“To ste Vi, to zanimanje ide uz Vas!”
Samo su neke od impresija petnaestogodišnje devojčice na rad sa trenerom nakon završenog upitnika i konsultacije sa njim.
Kao majka, nakon jednog vrlo iscrpnog, detaljnog, individualizovanog razgovora i analize NBI alata, shvatila sam da moja kćerka i ja vidimo stvari iz drugačijeg ugla ili upotrebljavamo “različiti deo mozga” i da je to jedan od razloga zašto ja nisam mogla da shvatim kako ona ne vidi i ne reaguje na isti način kao ja !! Zato nam je ovaj alat pokazao da smo senzibilno, racionalno i logički dve osobe potpuno različitog tipa !
Na ovaj način , dobili smo paletu zanimanja koja su jako bliska njenom karakteru i njenim intersovanjima i samim tim sveli potragu za onim šta bi želela da bude na tačno jasne granice.
Ukoliko se bliže rodjendani vašim tinejdžerima, deci vaših prijatelja, najdragoceniji poklon koji im možete dati je jedan NBI alat, kao što smo i mi ovaj dobili za 15.rodjendan !
Presrećna mama !!!!

NBI™ for children age 4–9

The first few years of a child’s life are crucial to establish connections between brain cells.
This means that more intensive exposure to stimuli during this period will provide better growth of brain capacity. » show more

NBI™ for age 9-15

At this age, children enter a new phase in which school environment and social interaction are extremely important. At that age, children need a new level of understanding and support to cope with these challenges in a new world. » show more

NBI™ for age 15 - 22

Adolescence is a very traumatic period of change, growing up and leaving childhood. It is a period that involves significant changes in the body, mind, emotions, sexuality, values and relationships. » show more

Contact us today!

If you are unsure which instrument would suit you best, we will be happy to advise you.

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