Team and corporation development
You will agree: today’s business does not only rely on physical or tangible resources, but increasingly on human resources. Global business trends confirm this. This definitely means that the success of a particular business today largely depends on the ability to select the appropriate skills and the knowledge of the capacities of employees, customers and suppliers.
Thinking preferences determine how people behave in a business environment, what motivates them, what type of communication they prefer, how they manage teams, and how they want to be managed. Having an awareness of thinking preferences helps us gain the opportunity to significantly improve human resource management.
Our team of internationally recognized NBI™ practitioners is at your disposal for consultations and training tailored for your business.
Why NBI™?
Companies and organizations that have thinking preferences in mind can gain significant comparative advantages over their competition, especially trough the application of NBI™ instruments in the following areas:
- Employee retention policy,
- Recruitment of new staff,
- Strengthening team work,
- Development of innovation and creativity,
- Marketing,
- Strengthening and developing leadership,
- Conflict management.
What is NBI™ and how does it work?
NBI™ is:
- A revolutionary battery of instruments.
- 15 -25 minute online questionnaire.
- Precise and detailed.
- Scientifically based.
- Available in all regional and other major languages.
NBI™ is a set of psychometric instruments with which we measure someone’s preferences in thinking. NBI instruments allow you to take a simple 15 -25 minute online questionnaire and find out HOW YOUR BRAIN WORKS. » show more
What are thinking preferences?
Thinking preferences are the ways of thinking that best suits us when we are in our natural state. When we think outside our preferences we feel effort and less satisfaction. » show more
Iskustva korisnika NBI™
Shortly after the application of NBI™ instruments, we felt the first positive results in many fields.
Our salespeople have become much better at communicating with customers, and we have become much more skillful at understanding the needs of customers. Within 16 months after the application of what we learned with NBI, the return of investment is more than 120 percent
Fantastic experience. The skill with which I managed to connect and find meaning in the many workshops and trainings that I attended before NBI™. Great benefit for improving interpersonal and business relationships.
I liked the test result the most! I definitely discovered something new about myself that I didn’t know, and something that I thought I did, but I didn’t.
The use of NBI during the workshop brought real refreshment for further more successful business; observing and meeting colleagues from different angles, I manage much better today, which has saved 20-40 percent of my time and others in my sector.